Vén ragadozó

Vén ragadozó
Nektek annyi....

2016. június 27., hétfő

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Mr. Szíjjártó Péter's speech: We must discard Brussels’ immigration policy

Brüsszel bevándorlási politikája veszélybe sodorja Európa egységét, ezért azzal véglegesen le kell számolni - mondta Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter a négy visegrádi ország, valamint Németország és Franciaország diplomáciai vezetőinek hétfői prágai tanácskozása után az MTI-nek.

In English - this is the THEORETICAL and IDEOLOGIC VALUE in Hungary:

"“Brussels’ immigration policy is endangering the unity of Europe and accordingly must be discarded for good”, Péter Szijjártó told following meeting of V4, German and French Foreign Ministers."

Szíjjártó Péter Külgazdasági és Külügyminiszter 
“Hungary believes there are five main tasks and four important lessons to be learned following last Thursday’s British referendum in which the British people voted to leave the European Union”, the Foreign Minister added.
“Brussels' immigration policy is clearly endangering the unity of Europe and so we must discard Brussels' immigration policy for good”, he stressed.

As a further lesson to be learned from the Brexit referendum, Mr Szijjártó cited the fact that “European politics cannot be conducted in a way that disregards the opinion of the people of Europe”, and that “Europeans want to decide for themselves about their lives and futures”.

“The British referendum has clearly shown that the people of Europe are not prepared to accept that decisions on the future of Europe, including on such important issues as who the people of Europe will have to live with, are made somewhere in Brussels in private and behind closed doors by European bureaucrats”, the Minister pointed out.

The first of Europe’s five tasks, according to the Hungarian Foreign minister, is that Europe should stop criticising the British, “because the British people have a right to decide what future they want for Great Britain and their decision must be respected”.

The second task is that Europe must recognise: the EU’s second strongest economy has voted to exit the organisation, and instead of blaming the British Europe must examine what needs to be changed in Brussels and within the EU.

The third important task is that Europe must stop the hysteria.

(Look at the Wolfgang Schauble german finanzminister's crazy activity.....He RELATIVIZE the of BREXIT - referendum in Great- Britain. ????)

In the fourth task, Mr. Szijjártó explained that the exit is not a bureaucratic process but a political one. 

"For us, the content of the talks and the result is that the Commission will propose negations following its adoption much more important that the issue of the negotiations will begin. 

In our opinion, ought not to push the start of negotiations until we realize that we, the Member States of the European at the end of the exit pursued by the EU negotiations, "the minister said.

As the fifth point, Mr. Szijjártó declared that 
“We Hungarians and Central European will have major interests at stake during the course of negotiation, which we would like to enforce”

 and we want “the Hungarian and Central European standpoint to also appear in the European Union's final negotiation mandate”.

Mr. Szijjártó told to the press that the EU “is treading unknown ground with respect to the fact that there has never before been an exit or exit negotiations, so the framework for the procedure is somewhat uncertain”.

The Four Countries of Visegrad's Group


The name of the Group is derived, and the place of meeting selected, from a meeting of the Bohemian (Czech), Polish, and Hungarian rulers in Visegrád (Hungarian Kingdom, near the Danube) in 1335.Charles I of HungaryCasimir III of Poland, and John of Bohemia agreed to create new commercial routes to bypass the staple port Vienna and obtain easier access to other European markets. The recognition of Czech sovereignty over the Duchy of Silesia was also confirmed. A second meeting took place in 1339, where it was decided that after the death of Casimir III of Poland, the son of Charles I of Hungary, Louis I of Hungary, would become King of Poland provided that Casimir did not have a son.

The Group traces its origins to the summit meeting of leaders from CzechoslovakiaHungary and Poland held in the Hungarian castle town of Visegrád[2] on 15 February 1991
 (not to be confused with Vyšehrad, a castle in Prague, or with the town of Višegrad in Bosnia and Herzegovina).

 After the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993, the Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent members of the group, thus increasing the total number of members to four. All four members of the Visegrád Group joined the European Union on 1 May 2004.

Ez a Magyar Nemzet informális álláspontja is!!!



1 megjegyzés:

  1. MOST - mivel a gyógyegér Be-Ne-Lex-ék, Junckers és a vén geci német szocdemek jajveszékelnek,


    Ehhetz megvelelő intellektusa , de EGYÚTTAL ÉLESEN KRITIKUS HANGNEME is megvan Szíjjártó Petinek.

    Sokan olvasnak, bár manapság az irredenta http://daciabarbaricuminferior.blogspot.com

    oldalamat, németek, oroszok, természetesen a Kárpát-medence és Erdély magyarjai és az USA széljobb magyarjai is. Ezért ezt most KITESZEM a közösségeimbe.
